Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm really losing it....

A week and two days into my journey and I have misplaced 23 pounds somewhere...  I used to have it, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.  The juice is tasting great and my headaches and hunger pangs have subsided.  I actually have a bouncier step and a clearer mind!

The hardest things to deal with are my neighbor that BBQ's every day (someone stop the smell of meat broiling!!!) and the amount of produce that I am buying... I swear that I could feed most small Guatemalan villages with all of the fruits and veggies I've purchased!

Oh well... it's late and I need some sleep.  Work at 5AM, and 7 weeks of juicing to go.  Thanks for the continued support!


1 comment:

  1. How's it going Roy? Hope you are doing so well and have so much energy that you can't update us! ;) Keep up the good work!
    Steph :)
